Your Paraquat Attorney Understands Your Condition
Paraquat is a chemical herbicide used primarily in no-till farming in all 50 states. U.S. farmers use approximately 10 million pounds of paraquat annually.
As weeds become more resistant to Roundup®, paraquat increases in popularity.
Multiple independent studies have shown a direct correlation between paraquat exposure and the development of Parkinson’s disease.
Paraquat has been banned in 32 countries, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has not pulled it from the U.S. market.
Paraquat is routinely used on lab animals to induce parkinsonism for research.
The Dangers of Paraquat
The herbicide paraquat is a known cause for the development of Parkinson’s disease.
Direct ingestion of paraquat is extremely toxic and life-threatening, but a less obvious danger is incremental exposure to paraquat spray as it is being applied, which causes workers serious injury over time.
Farm workers, landscapers, groundskeepers, and gardeners are especially susceptible to paraquat exposure.
According to the National Institutes of Health, paraquat exposure causes a 250% increased risk for developing Parkinson’s disease.
Paraquat manufacturers have known since the 1960s that paraquat causes Parkinson’s.
As a result, the herbicide has been banned in many countries, including China, Brazil, and the EU.
And while one of paraquat’s main manufacturers—Syngenta®—is a Chinese company, the Chinese government only allows it to produce paraquat for export.
Despite knowing paraquat causes agricultural workers serious injuries, the manufacturers failed to warn consumers and covered up the evidence that paraquat is dangerous for decades, resulting in thousands of unnecessarily injured workers.
Workers who develop Parkinson’s after using paraquat-based herbicides have options.
The experienced team of paraquat attorneys at DLG For Me works tirelessly to hold those who are responsible accountable.
Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms and Treatment
Parkinson’s is an incurable, degenerative disease of the central nervous system.
It causes tremors, stiffness, dyskinesia (involuntary movements), fatigue, poor balance, hallucinations, and double vision, among other symptoms.
People suffering from Parkinson’s often have difficulty driving, reading, or watching television due to vision impairment.
In essence, Parkinson’s affects the patient’s entire life experience.
In addition to the physical disabilities, Parkinson’s patients are impacted mentally and emotionally.
People with Parkinson’s report feeling overwhelmed, isolated, embarrassed, fearful, and left behind.
There are medications that help with Parkinson’s symptoms, although those can also cause adverse side effects, and because Parkinson’s is incurable, the costs can escalate over a lifetime of treatment.
Damages and Compensation in Paraquat Cases
The financial, physical, emotional, and mental costs of a Parkinson’s diagnosis can be devastating to families.
All these costs must be factored in when determining a paraquat damages award.
The different types of compensation available in personal injury cases include:
- Medical bills
- Lost income
- Lost future income
- Future medical treatment and therapy
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Loss of consortium
Parkinson’s disease is incurable, and the costs of therapy, medication, and assistive devices can soar over a lifetime.
Due to the physical disabilities Parkinson’s causes, patients might have to make expensive home renovations to provide a safe environment.
To add insult to injury, paraquat manufacturers have known for half a century that their products cause Parkinson’s but hid the evidence from the public.
If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s after being exposed to paraquat on the job, you deserve compensation for your injuries.
Not only can you get money to pay your bills, you can send a powerful message to corporations that they must change their behavior in the future.
Contact DLG For Me today to speak with a leading paraquat lawyer because your time to file a claim is limited.
Products That Contain Paraquat
Paraquat is not a brand name, but a chemical formula. It is frequently used by farmers, landscapers, groundskeepers, and gardeners in all 50 states. Paraquat is sold under many different brand names, including:
- Devour®
- Firestorm®
- Bonedry®
- Cyclone SL 2.0®
- Gramoxone®
- Paraquat Concentrate®
- Blanco®
- Helmquat 3SL®
- Para-Shot 3.0®
If you have used a weed killer with one of these labels, you were most likely exposed to paraquat, increasing your likelihood of developing Parkinson’s by 250%.
DLG For Me Attorneys Help People Injured by Paraquat
If you have Parkinson’s disease and were exposed to paraquat, the seasoned team at DLG For Me is ready to help.
We have decades of experience holding large corporations accountable for their dangerous products, and our team of attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve.
We don’t take a fee unless we win for you.
Call for a free consultation immediately because time to file your claim is limited.
The following article will give you more information on how a paraquat attorney can assist you in your claim.

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