18 Wheeler Accidents Attorney

18 Wheeler Accidents

18 wheeler accidents are some of the most dangerous vehicles on the road today. Eleven percent of all traffic accident deaths occur in 18-wheeler collisions.

With tens of thousands of pounds loaded onto each truck, the sheer size and weight of these vehicles makes them a danger to motorists who share the road.

Innocent drivers in passenger vehicles are far more likely to be severely injured or killed when colliding with an 18-wheeler.

DLG For Me fights for victims of negligent truck driving.

Call us today for a free, no obligation case review with our experienced legal team. 

About 18 Wheeler Accidents

When a truck accident occurs, it is vital to get into contact with a qualified attorney as soon as possible so you can get a fair settlement.

Truck drivers and trucking companies often have millions of dollars in insurance coverage.

These insurance companies have an army of attorneys ready to try and deny you the compensation you deserve.

There are many causes of truck accidents, including equipment failure, driver error, and improper cargo loading.

18 Wheeler Accidents with Equipment Failure

Poorly maintained trucks and their equipment are common causes of accidents.

Large trucks are required to undergo regular safety inspections and maintenance.

These trucks are driven thousands of miles each week, resulting in constant wear and tear on important parts.

To cut costs, many drivers and trucking companies fail to conduct the maintenance required to keep a truck on the road safely.

18 Wheeler Accidents with Driver Error

Fatigue and substance abuse are often involved when truck crashes occur.

Most truck drivers are compensated by the mile, and they often log hundreds of miles a day. In order to make more money, truckers are incentivized to keep driving despite their exhaustion. 

This can lead to them ignoring safety regulations meant to protect other motorists on the road. 

And because they spend so much time on the road, truck drivers may be distracted or under the influence of drugs, increasing the likelihood of an accident.

18 Wheeler Accidents with Cargo Loading

The cargo placed on a commercial truck can significantly impact the truck's mobility. To cut transportation costs, trucks are often overloaded, which can lead to braking or “jackknifing” issues.

Unsecured or poorly loaded cargo can also cause car accidents by falling off the truck and impacting other vehicles or by creating a dangerous roadblock.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck crash, you may be entitled to compensation greater than what the insurance adjuster estimates. 

Contact the experienced and compassionate lawyers at DLG For Me today for a free consultation.

Read this article to find out more about how your DLG For Me 18 Wheeler Accidents Attorney can help you.

18 Wheeler Accidents Attorney

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"The team at DLG For Me was kind, professional, and got me twice as much as I expected from my settlement."

Terri F.

"After we were T-boned by a semi truck, the team at DLG For Me was there to guide us and help put our minds at ease."

Issaiah G.

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